Thursday 2 September 2021

Pen Pals

 Today I had to make a card to someone special. 

I had to learn then create and share. The learn part was to read a book, the create was to make a card and then the share was to post it to my blog and also I had  send the card to the porson I chose. The book was about  pen pals. It was hard to choose the person because there were so many people to choose from. I could have chosen one of my friends or my cousins. I enjoyed reading the book.

Thank you for reading my blog post

Hope you like the card I made.

1 comment:

  1. Morena Theo,

    I really admire the thoughtful words you have written to your cousins. I thought it was really sad what happened to Merlin. Is that your cat? Have you ever written to a pen pal before?

    Ngā mihi,
    Miss Hickling


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