Tuesday 31 August 2021

August Reflection



  1. Kia ora Theodora
    Thank you for sharing your August reflection to your blog today. I love that you have been reading during lockdown, reading is so relaxing and very therapeutic. I love Harry Potter! So much magic and adventure to be had. It was nice to read what you have been doing for fun during lockdown too. Weetbix slice is so yummy.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Morena Theo

    Great work on your reflection. I love how you are feeling confident about your times tables, what a great achievement.

    I love how you and your whānau go for walks and pick up the rubbish, you are doing your part in looking after our environment.
    Keep up the great work.

    Mā te wā
    Miss Mikayla


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