Tuesday 28 September 2021

Why we Should Differently stop using Single use Plastic (Speech)

Tena koutou
On Last week we were writing our speech and on Friday we Read our speecher to our class. On Monday this week we had the speech semi finals there were three year six and three year five from my class. Two year five and one year six from my class to the finals.

Here is my speech
hope you like it?

I strongly believe single use plastic should be banned. Have you ever thought that single use plastic is bad for our environment? Well if you have this speech will explain reasons why single use plastic should be banned.

Firstly, Who likes animals ? Well if you like animals then you should definitely stop using single use plastic. Single use plastic can kill our sea animals and our land animals. If we do not using single-use plastic most of our animals will be extinct. Every year about 8 to 9 million pieces of plastics end up in the oceans. Did you know that every year 300 million of plastic is made?

Secondly, We should stop using our ocean as a rubbish bin. If we do not stop using our ocean as a bin we would not want to swim in our ocean. Single use plastic is killing our sea animals. If we don’t not stop , we will not have any more beautiful animals to swim with. Did you know that turtle’s think that floating plastic is jellyfish. There are about 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in our ocean right now.

Lastly, Did you know there are tiny pieces of plastic that float around in the sea called microplastic.
And worst of all the fish eat the plastic and when we eat the fish we put plastic into our bodies.
Did you know that plastic bags are polluting our coastlines. Every day about 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our ocean and on to our beaches .

That is why I personally think that single use plastic is bad for our environment .
Because it is harming our sea and land animals and it is also harming us.

Thank you for reading my speech

Kia ora

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