Thursday 26 August 2021

3D shapes

 Kia ora talofa lava and konichiwa welcome to my blog                                                                                   Today I had  to find 3D shapes around my house. I found four 3D shapes. I was learning about 3D shape. the first thing we did was watch a video. I had to watch the video to find out how you make 3D shapes. I made a pyramid. I found a cube, sphere, cylinder and a cubiod. Click on this link to watch the video. 

Can you find 3D shapes around our house? 

I found  it hard to make the pyramid. I enjoyed finding the shapes around my house.

Thank you for reading my blog post have a good day.


  1. Kia ora Theo,

    I really like the different 3D shapes that you have found around the home and that you labelled them so everyone knows their 3D shape name. What was hard about making the pyramid?

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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