Thursday 26 August 2021

No Plastic In Our Oceans

 Kia blogger 

Today I was learning about why we should stop using plastic. We had to learn  then create  slide's  to tell people why we should stop using plastic and the last thing to do was post it to our blog.  Here is one fact that is in my slide - When fish eat the plastic, we can catch the fish, then we cook the fish, and then we eat plastic when we eat the fish. So thats a very good reason why we should stop using plastic. 

Why do you think we should stop using plastic?

It was hard to not copy the facts stright from the internet. I enjoyed learning about why we should stop using plastic. 

Thank you 

Here is why we should stop using plastic 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Theo,

    I really enjoyed reading your informative slides and quality blog post. I did know that plastic can leach into fish meat which of course is not good for us humans. I think society can most definitely reduce the amount of single use plastics we use and NZ has started that by stopping plastic bags in stores. Woohoo!

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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