Wednesday 25 August 2021


 Do you know how much compost stinks??!!

Compost is the process of turning leaves and food scraps into a valuable fertilizer for your gardens and plants to help them grow.

At my house we put all our food scraps into buckets then next when the bucket is full we go and put it into our worm farm. Every two week we go to the warm farm and get a stick and a bucket and gather all the rich fertilizer and put it around our plants. Here are some   pictures of me putting the compost into the worm farm. The worms help make the food scraps go into the compost.

The benefit of compost is that it makes our plant’s to stay alive and healthy. It stops all of the food scraps going into the rubbish bin. The compost improves the ability of soil to hold in the key nutrients and reducing nutrients loss from leaching, aids soil to retain nutrients longer resulting in better plant uptake. 

When we emptied out our  worm farm and found out that all our worms had died and it stinks. So  if you have a worm farm then get more worn every year . 


  1. Wow Theo, great writing!
    I’m so sad that all our worms died. I need to buy some more and you can help me look after the worms. We have to make sure it doesn’t get too wet or too dry, I think.


  2. Kia ora Theo,

    I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of you adding kitchen waste to your families worm farm. I could tell that you really understood what you had learned by reading your information report too. I wonder why the worms died? Do you think they had enough food to eat?

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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