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Thursday, 18 November 2021
Diwali Art
Friday, 12 November 2021
My Three achievements from 2021😄
This term we have been learning how to use canva. For this task we had to go on to canva and then have four slides. One was the intro the other three were my achivements from 2021. We learning how to take a video on canva. I found it hard to use the video I enjoyed learning haw to use canva. Have you used cavan?
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Do you now want Rongoa is. Rongoa is plants to help people get better if they have a cut or if they are sick . Rongoa is good for your health. We were learning how to summarise . Today we had to make a sign of one of the plants and write two or three sentences on a peace of would then we we had to paint it the last thin to do was dig it into the ground. Here is my Rongoa sign. I found it hard not to copy write . I enjoyed learning about all the different plant .
Here is my Rongoa sign
Friday, 5 November 2021
My Amazing self Portrait 👸
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
My Saint is St Vincent De Paul
Friday, 1 October 2021
Social Justice Week
kia ora
Today we where learning about Social Justice Week and how to explain the beatitudes. We had to watch video and then we had to chose one of the beatitudes . I choose the Peacemaker beatitude. The last thing to do is post it to your blog.
I enjoyed learning about all of the beatitudes. I found it hard to make a poster because
Thursday, 30 September 2021
2021 Calendar Art
Kia ora
Today I was learning how to blend the colors into each other from dark to light . The first thing to do was choose your favourite NZ native bird. The Second thing to do is trace your NZ bird. Thirdly we had to dye the background. Lastly we had to glue color paper on the background.
I found it hard to blend the colors. I injoyed colouring my tomtit.
Here is my NZ native bird.
Is Mr Wolf Guilty Or Not Guilty.
Kia ora blogger
This weeks task was to find out is Mr wolf guilty or not guilty. The first thing to do was to watch 2 video one of them was what Mr wolf thought an the another one was the story of little red riding hood. Then we had to choose what one we wanted to write and I chose Mr wolf is not guilty the next thing to do was to find three fact on the topic that you chose the final thing to do was make a quality blog post .
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Why we Should Differently stop using Single use Plastic (Speech)
Tena koutou
On Last week we were writing our speech and on Friday we Read our speecher to our class. On Monday this week we had the speech semi finals there were three year six and three year five from my class. Two year five and one year six from my class to the finals.
hope you like it?
Secondly, We should stop using our ocean as a rubbish bin. If we do not stop using our ocean as a bin we would not want to swim in our ocean. Single use plastic is killing our sea animals. If we don’t not stop , we will not have any more beautiful animals to swim with. Did you know that turtle’s think that floating plastic is jellyfish. There are about 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in our ocean right now.
Lastly, Did you know there are tiny pieces of plastic that float around in the sea called microplastic.
And worst of all the fish eat the plastic and when we eat the fish we put plastic into our bodies.
Did you know that plastic bags are polluting our coastlines. Every day about 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our ocean and on to our beaches .
That is why I personally think that single use plastic is bad for our environment .
Because it is harming our sea and land animals and it is also harming us.
Kia ora
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
5 facts about Turtles
Kia ora
Today in class we had to learn about turtles and we also had to draw a turtle. The first thing to do was learn about turtles. Then we had to learn how to draw a turtle to do that we watched a video. We wrote 5 facts in to our own words and posted them to our blogs. Here is a link to the video.
It was hard to draw the turtle because there was so many things to do. It took me about one hour. I enjoyed learning about turtles. Hope you like my drawing
Thank you for read my blog post
Monday, 6 September 2021
Cats vs Dogs
Today in class we were learning about cats and dogs. It was more like cats vs dog. I got to choose what animal I wanted to learn about. I choose cats because I have two cats. I read a article about cats. From the article I had to find three reasons why cats are wouderful pets and three reasons why some people might not like cats.
There are three very good reasons why I like cats. The first one is that they are cute and fluffy. When I set on the coch they are nice and warm. The second reason I like cats is that they cach all the mice and rats. When I go outside it is mice and rat free. The thred reason is that they keep me company and comfort. When I am sad or hurt.
There are three reasons why some people might not like cats. The first reason is that they scrach and bite. The second reason is that they kill our nature birds. The last reason is that they costs NZ $2 million dollars to control feral and stray cats.
The real reasons why cats are better is because when cats lick you don't get slobber all over yourself but when dogs lick you get it all over yourself.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Pen Pals
Today I had to make a card to someone special.
I had to learn then create and share. The learn part was to read a book, the create was to make a card and then the share was to post it to my blog and also I had send the card to the porson I chose. The book was about pen pals. It was hard to choose the person because there were so many people to choose from. I could have chosen one of my friends or my cousins. I enjoyed reading the book.
Thank you for reading my blog post
Hope you like the card I made.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Facts About The Paralympic Game
kia ora blogger
Today I had to learn about the paralympic game. I had to learn create then share it to my blog. When I was learning about the Paralympic I had to watch a interesting video about the paralympic games. To create I could use a templet or do it my way we had to have 5 facts about the paralympics . I choose to do it my way.
What do you know about the paralypic games?
It was hard to find facts because there were so many interesting fact I could choose from. I enjoy learn what the paralympic games are.
Thank you for reading my blog post here is a link to the video I had to watch
Monday, 30 August 2021
Fact About Orcas
Today I had learn about orcas. I chould choose out of three things one of them was to make a slide with informative facts about orcas . I did the slide about orcas and I found facts and information about them. It was hard to decide on facts about orcas because there were so many facts I could from. I enjoyed learning about orcas and why they are called killer whales
Thursday, 26 August 2021
No Plastic In Our Oceans
Kia blogger
Today I was learning about why we should stop using plastic. We had to learn then create slide's to tell people why we should stop using plastic and the last thing to do was post it to our blog. Here is one fact that is in my slide - When fish eat the plastic, we can catch the fish, then we cook the fish, and then we eat plastic when we eat the fish. So thats a very good reason why we should stop using plastic.
Why do you think we should stop using plastic?
It was hard to not copy the facts stright from the internet. I enjoyed learning about why we should stop using plastic.
Thank you
Here is why we should stop using plastic
3D shapes
Kia ora talofa lava and konichiwa welcome to my blog Today I had to find 3D shapes around my house. I found four 3D shapes. I was learning about 3D shape. the first thing we did was watch a video. I had to watch the video to find out how you make 3D shapes. I made a pyramid. I found a cube, sphere, cylinder and a cubiod. Click on this link to watch the video.
Can you find 3D shapes around our house?
I found it hard to make the pyramid. I enjoyed finding the shapes around my house.
Thank you for reading my blog post have a good day.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Do you know how much compost stinks??!!
Compost is the process of turning leaves and food scraps into a valuable fertilizer for your gardens and plants to help them grow.
At my house we put all our food scraps into buckets then next when the bucket is full we go and put it into our worm farm. Every two week we go to the warm farm and get a stick and a bucket and gather all the rich fertilizer and put it around our plants. Here are some pictures of me putting the compost into the worm farm. The worms help make the food scraps go into the compost.
The benefit of compost is that it makes our plant’s to stay alive and healthy. It stops all of the food scraps going into the rubbish bin. The compost improves the ability of soil to hold in the key nutrients and reducing nutrients loss from leaching, aids soil to retain nutrients longer resulting in better plant uptake.
When we emptied out our worm farm and found out that all our worms had died and it stinks. So if you have a worm farm then get more worn every year .
Nature Art
Kia ora Talofa lava Kon’nichiwa bloggers
Today we were learning about nature art. We had to watch two videos and explore nature and figure out what we were going to make. We could use leaves, sticks, stones, flowers and water in nature. I used leaves, stones,flowers and sticks. Here is a link to one of the videos. Here is the other link to a video I had to watch. I made a tree with a stone painted like a ladybug, two rosary beads, a bracelet with a cross that I got when I was baptised and the leaves, stones, flowers and sticks.
What do you think you would do if you had to make nature art ? If you I think I could add more things into my nature art then comment down below
I found it challenging to find all of the flowers, stones, leaves and sticks. I enjoyed figuring out where to put all of God’s beautiful creations.
Thank you for reading my blog post.
Here is my Nature Art.
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Maui's Jawbone
Kia ora talofa lava Bloggers,
Today in my class we had to do 3 things to post on our blog.
I had to learn about how Maui found his father and the magic jawbone. Then we had to choose out of, make a Kereru out of Lego or sketch it, make a jawbone out of lego or sketch it, sketch koru patterns from the story, retell the story, act it out, stop motion or write it. I chose to make the jawbone out of lego because I have lots and lots of lego.
What would you do if you got to learn about how Maui found his father and the magic jawbone?
I found it challenging to make my jawbone because I had to find all of the pieces and put them to gether. I enjoyed leaning about how Maui found his father and the magic jawbone and making the jawbone out of lego.
Thank you bloggers for reading my blog post.
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This is my lego jawbone |
Monday, 23 August 2021
5 facts about Dolphins
Kia ora bloggers Today I was learning about dolphins. I had to learn about dolphins, then I had to create. I got to choose out of these three things, a 5 fact poster on a google slide, food chain or a google drawing poster. I chose the 5 fact poster on a google slide.
Do you know anything about Dolphins?
It was hard to find facts about Dolphins and not to copyright. I enjoyed learning about dolphins.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
What Is A Robots
Do you know what a robot is ? Well if you don't know what a robot is. Today we were learning about robots. My group had to read two books. One of them is called All About Robots and the other one is called Zapped. My reading group was learning how to identify the author’s purpose. Here is a description about my robot: My robot is big, helpful and nice. My robot helps clean my room, brush my teeth and my robot brushes my hair and makes my meals and cleans my clothes. In my robot's hand she is holding a toothbrush, comb and a hair brush. Around her waist is a belt with a cloth, a spray bottle and a duster To clean my house.
What other jobs could my robot do ?
Well robots are machines they are programmed to vacuum. They can be big or small
They can be so small that they can be used to do surgeries.
I enjoyed learning about robots. It was hard to draw my robot.
Friday, 13 August 2021
Cool Facts About Bees
Do you know why bees are so important? Well if you don’t I can tell you some facts about bees and why they are important. Bees are important because they help produce food and the flowers stay alive. In Class today we were learning about bees and why they are important to us and the environment. My reading group was learning about how to inentify the authors purpose. I enjoyed learning why Bees are important and why.
What Is Faith ?
Do you know what faith is? In class we were learning about Faith. We had to describe Faith. Faith is trust, forgiveness, helping and more. We were learning this because Faith is my school Religious Education value for this term . I enjoyed learning what Faith is. It was hard to take a photo of my Faith poster.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
The cool Japanese artwork
Kia ora blogger Have you heard of the land of the rising sun? Today we were learning how to blend the coulours into each other. Do you now what a pogoda is well a pogoda is a tall tower. They can be tall small and they can be used for a lot of things. Today in class we were learning about Japan pogoda's and beutiful cherry blossems and the Japan's flag. The Japan flag colours are red and withe. The red represents Amaterasu and the sun. The white represents the honesty and the purity . I enjoyed shading the colours into each other. It was hard to make the branches.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
All about Japan
Kia ora blogger do you know anythig about Japan?
Well if you don't I can tell you some things about Japan. Japan is a small country with lot's of islands. If you life in Japan you will always live close to a beach. Today we were learning about Japan since the Olympic games are being held in Tokyo, Japan. We had to find facts and information and put them in our on word’s. It was fun to learn about Japan and the thing’s that they do. Here is a fun fact, There are 6,852 island in Japan.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
2020 Olympic games
Kia ora bloggers,
This week in class I was learning about the 2020 Olympic games.
We had to find facts about the Olympic games, the opening ceremony, the ancient olympics and olympic mascots..
It was fun to learn all about the olympic games.
Did you know the first olympic game was held in Athens, Greece.Friday, 9 July 2021
Have you ever seen a water rocket?
Today in class for science we are using a water rocket.What I think will happen. I think the water rocket will fly 7 or 8 Metres in the sky.
The first thing to do was to fill the bottle ⅓ of the bottle then you tip the aqua pod on to bottle .
Then we put the bottle on the valve and made sure the bottle was tight and made sure the rubber seal was on the valve.
The next thing to do was to connect the pump to the valve then it was time to put our foot on the pumper and pump about 8 times then we pulled the string but first we had to be at least 5 meters away from the water rocket. When you pull the string it gets pressure in the bottle to launch the water rocket.My favourite part was seeing the bottle fly in the air. Please tell all of your friends and family about my blog post and my blog.
It was fun to learn how the water rocket launches in the air and see it happen.
Would you want to learn about the water rocket?
Monday, 5 July 2021
Have you ever wanted to make a mini golf course
Today in class I made a mini golf course. I had to add the perimeter, then we had to times the area and the last thing I had to do was count how many times I hit the ball. It was hard to times the area but t was fun when I got to count how many times I hit the ball. Here is a picture of my mini golf course .
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Matariki scratch
Today we were learning about matariki and how to code on scratch. Today I was able put in my character Abby and Matariki and my backround. Abby found the star and the star has lost her sister and so abby help Matariki find her sisters . I change abby cloths .
Friday, 18 June 2021
Exciting Science
A few weeks ago my class was doing science and we were learning how to mix water and oil. The oil and water did not mix togther but when we shook the oil and water it mixed. When we put the detergent in it mixed. We had to go into groups of three-four people. I was in a group of three with Emma R and Alexis. When we were done we had to make a slideshow. There were at least 18 slides or more. My group went well. At the end, all of our group got a feather and we put coloured water on the feather to see what would happen. My group's water stayed in the same place like a little pearl.
Here is a siledshow with a picture of my group.
Friday, 4 June 2021
sign language week
Today in Class we were learning about sign language week. Our class all had to do a video for us sign our names and ABC in sing language . It was very fun and hard my favourite thing was signmy name. Thank you for watching my sign language video. Please he's a nice comment down belong.
The cool Abraham and Sarah role play
Today in class we were learning about Abraham and Sarah. Our class all got into groups of three or five. I was in a group of three. I was Abraham, Irelyn was Sarah and Charlotte was God,Isaac and the story teller. The first step was to write a good play and then we just practiced our play and then we took a video on the Ipads.
As I slowly walk into the snow white cruise ship I can smell the strong salt sea water. The smell of tropical coconuts drifted across my nose. The splashing sea water splashed onto my tiny little nose.
As the cruise ship drifted on the sparkling water I could see a tiny tropical Island. The tiny little waves drifted across the sparkling ocean as I past the giant mountain.
I can hear waves crashing down on the deep blue sea. Birds chirping on the emerald coconut trees and people jumping into the warm blue sea.
I can feel people crashing into me like two mountains. The warm blue sea splashing me like tiny ladybugs attacking me.
I can taste the salt sea water splashing me in my mouth. The swaying trees high in the mountains. The fresh air swaying in my mouth.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
The cool present and past slideshow
Three weeks a go my class had cybersmart. We were doing present and the past. Firstly we had to put in pictures of the past and our present we got to our choose pictures and they had to be from the past and present. The we have to publish it to your blogs.
It is a slideshow
We were learning that we have to only use images that are labelled for reuse.
What is a Covenant
This week we were learning about covenants. A covenant is a promise that is with God. Today in class we got to choose one of these, a poster, rap, slideshow, song , action song or we could act it out. I was in a group of three with me Molly and Alexis. We made a poster on paper.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Amazing Woven Heart Mother's Day Card
Last Sunday was Mother's Day and in class on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we made a Mother's Day card. We were learning to weave and we had needles and thread, and A3 paper to make our cards. Inside I wrote a nice letter to mum. I found it challenging to put the needle through the holes without ripping it. Next time I would make my holes further apart and bigger.
Anzac Day War Postcard
Today in class we were learning about ANZAC Day and remembering the people who passed away in the war. I had to read two stories about it and listen to two videos. We all made our own Anzac day postcard. The first step was to get a postcard on to Google drawings. Next we had to write a card to our parents like we are in the war .Then we posted to our blogs.
Friday, 14 May 2021
My lovely cosy bedroom
My lovely cosy bedroom
My favorite part of my bedroom is the lovely view of my next door neighbour. It is clean and fresh. I love it
When I am in my room I love to go on my chromebook and play my favorite game Island in my squarish room. It is the smallest room in the house but I still love it. My bed is in the middle of my room.
My room is tidy . It smells like vanilla. I love to listen to music when I am alone in my cosy room . It is warm and cosy . I love to watch dog squad on tv nz on my chromebook .
I can hear loud Trucks and birds along my street . I can see fluffy pillows and harry potter lego. I can feel the sharp lego on the ground.
Overall I think my bedroom is the warmest room in the house . That is why I love my bedroom.
Friday, 16 April 2021
Goal setting
Two or three weeks ago we did or goal setting 2021. Onthe goal settng there was Religious Education Goal -,Social Goal -,Learning Disposition Goal - and Academic Goal . Our Teacher telled as to tell our whanau to sing or goal setting and right whanau can support me by...
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Horouta waka
Today in class we had to make a animation of the horouta waka.
I did `100 slides please tell all your freind and family to look at my blog and my class blog.
and comment down below.
Wahle Art
Today in class we did wahle art . How we did the wale art we sketched then did the really art we keeped on doing it until we were ready to pant if you want to now how we did it was we had a picture it was double-sided there is mine and a there one so look at everyone blog post in my class . Thank you for reading my blog post.
Holly week
Today in class we make a flipgrid all about Easter but sadly we could not put the flipgrid on your blog so we did a screenshot instead . To hear is my and if you want to do flipgrid comment on my and tell all your friends and family . on more thing was to make a reef.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Hot Cross Bun
On Good Friday my class made a big and delicious hot cross bun. Do you why we have hot cross buns at Easter? If you do, comment down below. Top begin with, we made the hot cross bun, next we made a collage of pictures of us making the bun and included the recipe. Please feel free to have a go at making the buns using our recipe.
Please can you tell your friends and family about the importance of hot cross buns at Easter. Thanks for reading my blog.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Two Truths And One Lie
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
All About Sea Week
Today we were learning about sea week. we all had to make our sea week poster the class all got to choose our own sea anmila . My sea anmila is a sea turtle as you will see in my poster its got facts what they eat and there predators. do you now why we celebrate .
Monday, 22 March 2021
ST Patrick's Day
Today we were lerning about St Patrick's day. we made a poster as you can see hear I did 5 facts and some people did 5, 6, 7, or 8. St patrick died March 17 in 461. there are more fact on my poster as you can see. please tell your family and friends like know please.
Friday, 5 March 2021
superhero me
Today in my class we made our own super hero on our chromebook. We made a spech bubble of what good learn's do we stared with I have the power to .We got images and polly lined it and dezined it the way we liked to please have a look at mine I hope you like it please look at my other blog post's .
Monday, 1 March 2021
Monday, 15 February 2021
Chinese New Year
Today I was learning how make a chinese new year poster . I enjoyed how you make a poster becuase you get to p;ay aroud but most of all becuse you get to have fun .
Saturday, 13 February 2021
10 Things adout the treaty of waitangi
Today in class I have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi . We had to wach a video because we needed the information to do the 10 things about the treaty for waitangi. James busby was one of the first to sign the Treaty of Waitangi . In James busby created the declaration of independence .